My daily rumble


I am 29 and at a stage in my life where I am old enough to have had experienced some of the very complex emotions that life offers and yet at the same time there is a whole huge list of things that I am yet to do which will inevitably lead me to its own set of experiences, needless to say the unplanned and unknown odd balls that life will keep throwing at my direction from time to time.

Everyday I come across daily and kind of routine happenings which lend me sometimes a different and at other times a deeper point of view about life. Most of the times they are in the form of theories which are basically a conclusion of my chosen experiences driven by my chosen view of those events and in some sense they help me in shaping the coming events of my nearby future. They are my theories, the daily rumble in my head.

So today, the topic was what should I do to make my everyday count. How to make it all be like a movie with a series of unrelated events leading to an ending which is more like a conclusion of a story. My story. Hence this blog.

What I really want from this blog is to account for my everyday like it had a theme and a conclusion, much like a chapter of a novel called my life. Nothing new I know. But who knows where the dots will join.